Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Crank-Slider Mechanism with Multiple Clearance Joints


1 Babol Noshirvani University of Technology

2 Babol Noshirvani University of Technolgoy


In the current study, behavior of crank-slider mechanism with single and multiple clearance joints are analyzed. Using Lankarani-Nikravesh theory for estimating discontinuous contact forces in clearance joints, relevant systems have been mathematically modeled. Through numerical simulations, perturbations in response of mechanisms with clearance joints have been analyzed. Effects of increasing number of clearance joints have been addressed. From comparisons between responses of crank-slider mechanism with a single clearance joint and multiple clearance joints, it is concluded that perturbations intensify as the number of clearance joints in mechanism increases. Nonlinear dynamics of system are analyzed, using Poincare maps and bifurcation diagrams. Effects of joint friction on the response of the mechanism are investigated. Subsequently, a control scheme for providing continuous contact in clearance joints and maintaining a more stable mechanism is pro-posed. Obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed control method on reducing effect's of clearance and maintaining continuous contact in clearance joint


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